Transforming lives inside and out!

In addition to church services, classes and Bibles studies, we provide free Bibles, hygiene supplies and release clothing at several prison units in Texas

Transforming lives inside and out! image


raised towards $65,000 goal




In addition to church services, classes and Bibles studies, we provide free Bibles, hygiene supplies and release clothing at several prison units in Texas

Reaching Prisoners for Christ

Double the impact of your donation today!

Thanks to a matching grant from the Bob Barker Foundation, your donation to the Pando campaign can be doubled today by clicking on the "Doubled if you Donate Now" button below.

Less Than The Least Ministries ministers to inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Personal contact inside-the-walls - Worship services, classes (Bible studies, Bible-based classes), 3-Day Revivals, baptisms, and one-on-one interactions in English and Spanish.

Correspondence - With our Prayer and Letters (PALs) program, we receive written prayer requests from inmates at our services. Then, our Prayers go up And we send Letters back out to the inmate with words of encouragement from scripture.

Printed materials - Inmates can request and receive one free Study Bible. We also provide guides for our discipleship classes and music for chapel bands and choirs.

Prison chapel upgrades, replenishment, and renovations (URRs) - In partnership with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Chaplaincy Department our prison chapel upgrades, replenishment, and renovations facilitate our worship services, classes, Bible studies and other outreach activities, providing an enduring testimony of God's love to inmates and a constant reminder that Christians outside-the-walls do care.

We care for them in body and spirit!

Some inmates cannot afford basic hygiene supplies such as toothpaste, deodorant, soap and shampoo. We have a new program to help with that problem.

Donate to the Dignity Drive today!

To donate by check

Send your check or money order to: Less Than The Least Ministries, 9659 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Ste 150#231, Humble, TX 77396

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